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By the Brahmaputra (October – December 2015)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 32) C-NES Newsletter (For the Quarter October – December 2015) Editorial / By the Brahmaputra The Man on the Highway The man lay crumpled on the highway, wearing a brown jacket and dark trousers. A checked handkerchief was next to his knee and he looked as if he was sleeping. Was he…

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C-NES Newsletter (July – September 2015)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 31) C-NES Newsletter (For the Quarter July – September 2015)   Editorial By the Brahmaputra   Swach Bharat – Go Beyond Toilets, Clean Up Industry As the Government of India and the Prime Minister rightfully declare that cleaning up India – or Swach Bharat – is ritical for making it a…

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By the Brahmaputra (April – June 2015)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 30) C-NES Newsletter (For the Quarter April – June 2015) Editorial Mr. Modi: Travel in India, visit Mawlynnong  Should Prime Minister Narendra Modi, now on a major and important swing through Central Asia and Russia, visit the north-east in the near future, I recommend that he spend as little time as…

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C-NES Newsletter (January – March 2015)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 29) C-NES Newsletter (For the Quarter January – March 2015)   Editorial By the Brahmaputra    Make a new ‘Assam type house’ our Icon for safety On two successive days, the Government of India showered its benevolence on the North-eastern states.  On the first day, it declared that 15,000 crore rupees,…

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C-NES Newsletter (July – September 2014)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 27) C-NES Newsletter (For the Quarter July – September 2014)   Editorial By the Brahmaputra    Smart cities, unsmart living: lessons unlearned The images of the devastating floods in Jammu and Kashmir that leaped at us from television screens and the front pages of newspapers – especially the aerial views –…

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C-NES Newsletter (Vol: 24)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 24) C-NES Newsletter (For the quarter October – December   2013)  Editorial By the Brahmaputra Water, water … and dams without data A simple question: if you are suddenly told that the father or uncle you have known all your life is one foot taller than he appears to be, how would…

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C-NES Newsletter (July-Sep 2013)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 23) C-NES Newsletter (For the quarter July – September 2013) Editorial By the Brahmaputra In new and old states, where will the poor live ?In the fresh crisis that is engulfing Assam and other parts of North-east and Eastern India following the Telengana announcement, much angry rhetoric is being spewed. There…

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The mother with her new born

C-NES Newsletter (April-June 2013)

 By the Brahmaputra (Vol 22) (For the quarter April – June   2013) Editorial The Outsider Syndrome: ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ To say that the news from Meghalaya’s Garo Hills is disturbing is to make an understatement.  It reminds one of the bad, dark days in Assam, Manipur, Jammu and Kashmir, in the Punjab: ordinary workers lined…

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C-NES Newsletter (January – March 2013)

By the Brahmaputra (Vol: 21) (For the quarter January – March   2013)   Editorial A Messy Democracy: Burma’s challenges The unraveling of ethnic strife in neighbouring Myuanmar or Burma as some of us would prefer to call it but especially the sharp escalation of anti-Muslim violence, first, against the Rohingyas or Muslims of the Arakan…

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